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Activities and tips for when sub lessons run short—for every grade level

Be prepared in the classroom, no matter the assignment

No matter how thoroughly you prepare for your substitute teaching assignment, there will come a day when you need a little extra support. Whether the lessons run short, you’re covering a new subject, or it’s a special holiday, we’re here to help you make the most of those unexpected moments.

Whether you need quick activities, subject-specific tips, or ways to celebrate the seasons, this guide will help you keep your classroom dynamic and your students engaged, no matter what the day throws your way. Not every activity will be a good fit for every school you substitute at, so be sure to check with the administration if you’re unsure.

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Tips and activities for teaching in elementary schools

Elementary school students are at a unique developmental stage, so it’s important to meet them on their level. As you prepare for an assignment with this younger group, keep a few things in mind

Be prepared: Arrive early enough to review the sub notes and ask any relevant questions — you might also want to meet with school administrators and/or grade-level teachers to get a feel for student expectations and to ask for any tips that may be helpful for you in the classroom.

Be patient: Elementary-school students are still very early in their development, of course, so they may require additional time to comply with directions. Don’t assume that students know how to do something — they are looking to you to tell them what and how to do it. 

  • Pro tip! Give directions that are clear, simple, and concise

Stick to your word: If you tell students that something is going to happen at a particular time, it needs to happen at that time. Often, students will misbehave if you do not follow up with your word. Following through on what you say helps maintain order and respect. 

Follow the schedule: Elementary students thrive on routine. Stick to the classroom schedule as much as possible, especially for key times like lunch, recess, and dismissal.

  • Pro tip! Make sure to set a good example and be on time.

Use names: Learning student names can be challenging, but it makes a big difference. Engage with students by having them introduce themselves, which also helps you with attendance.

  • Pro tip! Have students introduce themselves after you introduce yourself to the class. You can even engage with them a little bit by asking them to state their favorite food or movie. This is a great time to also take attendance.

Give positive reinforcement: Elementary students thrive on positive reinforcement because they frequently seek to please. Tell students when they are following directions and/or doing something well. This can either be done verbally or non-verbally. When other students see that you are praising their peers, they will want to emulate the same behavior to receive the same praise.

Leave a note: At the end of the day, leave a note for the regular teacher summarizing how the day went, highlighting successes, challenges, and exceptional student behavior.

No matter how thoroughly you plan ahead, there will come a day when things don’t always go according to plan. For those instances, here are some back-up activities to keep your students entertained and the learning on track:

Activities for elementary school students when sub lessons run short

1. Create a classroom newspaper
Have students work together to create a classroom newspaper. Assign different roles such as reporters, editors, illustrators, and photographers. They can write about recent school events, interesting facts they’ve learned, or even create comic strips. At the end of the activity, distribute copies of the newspaper to the class or display it on a bulletin board.

2. Conduct a science experiment
Create a simple science experiment that aligns with the current curriculum or recent topics discussed in class. It could be something as straightforward as making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar or observing the growth of plants from seeds. Science experiments not only engage students but also reinforce learning through hands-on experience.

3. Musical chairs with a twist
Put a twist on the classic game of musical chairs by incorporating educational elements. Instead of just removing chairs when the music stops, place flashcards or question cards on each chair. When the music stops, students must answer the question or solve the problem on the card to remain in the game. This adds an element of learning and review while keeping the game fun and interactive.

4. Create a time capsule
Have students work together to create a time capsule that represents their current interests, goals, and memories. They can bring in small items or write letters to their future selves to include in the capsule. Seal it and set a date in the future for it to be opened, such as the end of the school year or several years later when they’ve progressed to a higher grade. It’s a meaningful way for students to reflect on their experiences and look forward to the future.

5. Tell a communal story
Ask students to generate a story that begins with “once upon a time” and incorporates a list of concepts or words you select from class material. You can also use story cubes (or make your own!) to inspire them with images. They’ll enjoy the fun that comes with the randomness of rolling dice.

6. Create a card
Give students time to make a card for someone special in their lives. This incorporates drawing, coloring (which are both excellent activities for developing fine motor skills), and writing.

Special paper (card stock, colored paper, etc) can go a long way in motivating students to do their best work on an activity like this. If special paper is not available, teach the kids an interesting way to fold cards. This can be a treasured opportunity to create something meaningful and fun, especially for younger classes.

7. Tell (or write) a descriptive story about a picture
Bring in a photograph or art print, grab one from a book in the classroom, or project one from the internet. Ask your students to describe the picture in as much detail as possible by using specific sensory words and adjectives. Write those words on the board, and encourage kids to hypothesize what is going on in the photo. Encourage students to use their imaginations to tell or write a story, depending on the class age. Share the different observations.

8. Play ‘Would You Rather’
Findings by Stanford researchers show games help develop patience, engagement, and discipline — skills that correlate with success even more highly than IQ.

“Would You Rather” is a fun, silly game that has the added bonus of helping you get to know your students a little better. You simply ask questions such as, “would you rather be turned into a giant bunny rabbit or a miniature giraffe?” or “would you rather sneeze 75 times every single day or always have to wear flip-flops everywhere you go?”

Here’s a list of 200 questions to help you get started.

9. Play ‘Doggy Doggy, Where’s Your Bone’

For this game, you’ll need a pencil and a chair. One student plays the role of the doggy and sits in the chair with their back to the group and eyes covered (with their hands or a blindfold). Another student quietly steals the “bone” (pencil).

Everyone sings,
‘Doggy, doggy, where’s your bone?
Somebody stole it from your home.’

The child in the chair has three chances to guess who took it. No matter if the student in the chair guesses wrong, the student who took the bone will get a turn as the dog. Be sure to rotate often so everyone gets a chance to guess!

10. Play a screen-based game as a class
Consider engaging students in a screen-based game. If your students have access to computers, check out offerings from PBS or Fun Brain. If you’re projecting from one computer in front of the class, find a quiz video or other group online game. If kids have access to individual computers, look at Kahoot! to choose from preselected learning games.

As always, remember that most schools have a policy on computers, so be sure to ask about what might be appropriate for the classroom you’re subbing in.

11. Host a group work showdown
Divide older elementary students into small groups. Each group gets the same set of review questions to work on. (This material can review the day’s work or a work from a larger chapter/unit. Often these questions can be found in the text.) The group that finishes first with the most correct answers wins.

12. Read aloud
Never underestimate the power of story time. There are many benefits to reading aloud to children. No matter what their age, most elementary students transform once they are captivated by a book. Whether you have them remain seated at their desks or invite them to sit in a circle around you, choose a book or two from the teacher’s collection (or ask if anyone has a favorite they can share) and let them get lost in a good story.

13. Play a game of Spaceman or Snowman
If you’re familiar with the classic word-finding game of Hangman, you’ll know how to play these more culturally sensitive versions of the game. You’ll get the same learning benefit of the original and also learn to draw something far more appropriate for the elementary school classroom.

14. Strike a pose
Play a song and tell students to freeze and strike a pose when the music stops. Use a variety of tempos and musical styles to mix up the fun.

15. Do a little mirroring
Mirroring is a way to focus children and develop concentration skills. Students stand facing each other and pretend they’re looking in the mirror. Tell them to move slowly. The goal is to copy each other’s movements precisely. Allow one child to lead first, and then the other. Then, challenge them to mirror each other without one specified leader.

Tips and activities for teaching in middle schools

Middle schoolers are known for their budding interest in the world around them and their ability to revert back to the immaturity of bathroom humor at a moment’s notice. That’s a big reason why working with this group can be a daily adventure.

With that in mind, here are some ideas of ways to succeed in middle-school classrooms as a substitute teacher:

Remember, they’re still kids!
Some middle schoolers may look like young adults, but don’t be fooled! They’re still kids figuring things out. Keep this in mind while setting expectations. Try and circulate around the room to make sure students stay on task. Avoid sarcasm—middle schoolers often take it literally. Instead, speak clearly and directly to earn their respect, and be patient with reminders about behavior and work completion.

You’re the adult in the room:
Middle schoolers sometimes test boundaries, especially with a substitute teacher. They may “forget” the rules or exaggerate what their regular teacher allows. If something seems off, it probably is—consult the sub plans or ask a nearby teacher. Let students know you’ll report their behavior to their regular teacher, and always supervise them closely.

Provide clear expectations up front:
Before class starts, take time to review any behavioral guidelines left by the full-time teacher and share them with the students. Be clear about where they should sit, what materials they can use, and what they should be doing during activities. Remind them to stay on task, and if someone isn’t meeting expectations, address it calmly and privately. Once you’ve set the expectations, it’s important to enforce them consistently.

No matter how thoroughly you plan ahead, there will come a day when things don’t always go according to plan. For those instances, here are some back-up activities to keep your students entertained and the learning on track:

Activities for middle schoolers when sub lessons run short

1. Play ‘Telephone’
In this classic game, players whisper a message from person to person. Inevitably, the message changes along the way. When the last person says what they think the message is aloud, it’s often very different from where it began.

Telephone teaches kids about the importance of listening closely. It also might be an interesting jumping off point to talk to older kids about how information changes when it passes through different channels (as it does constantly on the internet).

2. Play ‘20 Questions’
“20 Questions” is a guessing game that helps students learn how to use reason and logic. Choose one student to be the “answerer” who knows the “answer” — a person, place, or thing that the other students will try to guess.

Students will have 20 opportunities to narrow the question down and find the answer. For example, they might start with a question like, “Is it smaller than a bowling ball?” and lead to the final question, “Is it a classroom tool?” to determine that the answer is a stapler.

3. Hold an open question session
Sometimes, students just need an open forum to ask questions during a particularly complex lesson. Before jumping in and answering, open each student’s question to the class and guide and refine their answers as needed.

4. Write a short story inspired by one of their favorite songs
Ask students to think of one of their favorite songs and write a short story. They can write about the storyline, images, or themes of the song. Students can volunteer to read their stories aloud if time permits. This works especially well with older elementary and middle school-aged students.

5. Write a poem about an upcoming event
The smell of roasting turkey? The cackles of witches flying overhead? Warm hot chocolate during a winter celebration? Writing about the holidays or other special events is a great opportunity to engage students in descriptive writing. As a bonus, encourage students to share their poem as a heartfelt gift for their family members.

6. Draw a picture
This one’s really simple. All students need is a piece of paper and a pen. Ask them to draw something from sight — or have them imagine and draw something related to a lesson plan (e.g., a historical figure, a scientific concept).

Middle schoolers relish activities — like drawing — that let them connect with their younger selves a bit and aren’t typically included in their school day.

7. Write a song
The easiest way to write a song as a class is to take a well-known melody from a current pop song and ask students to adapt it. Tie it to the lesson plan to make it funny and keep the learning environment light.

8. Show a relevant video and tie it back to class lessons or general learning strategies
There’s no way around it: Video has become a part of education at all levels. Used effectively, it can be a great asset in the classroom.

Some schools require permission for substitutes to use videos and computers. As long as you know this practice is OK with school administration and are comfortable with the technology, consider showing a relevant video at the end of class and tying it in. You’re engaging different parts of the brain and adding useful knowledge to the lesson.

The most straightforward way to incorporate video into the day is to pick a relevant video and talk to the class about how it relates to the lesson. Here are a few examples of videos you might use:

  • The Awareness Test — This fun test of student awareness helps students understand the importance of paying attention. This video is great if you have an especially distracted class!
  • Eric Whitacre: A Virtual Choir 2,000 Voices Strong — This user-generated choir is created out of 2,000-plus submitted videos. It can inspire students and show them the limitlessness of creativity.
  • The Power of Words — This video, which portrays a fictional interaction between a woman and a homeless man, underscores the power of words.
  • TED-Ed project is TED’s education initiative. It has carefully curated videos related to a wide range of topics, from literary terms to physics to philosophy and more.

…or just show a fun video that will make them laugh

You can also entertain them with a brief, wholesome video and give them a good laugh. Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is a great example of a video that’s fun for students of just about any age. Silly, adorable, and endlessly quotable, Marcel will capture students’ hearts.

9. Play ‘Silent Ball’
You’ll need one small ball for this activity. It should be an appropriate size for the age of your students. Clear an area in the center of the room and select a leader to start. They will count down “3, 2, 1, silent” and pass the ball to another person. This person then passes it on. Students must sit down if they drop the ball, miss a pass, or make any noise at all! Whoever remains standing at the end is the winner. In addition to burning kinetic energy, this activity builds hand-eye coordination and non-verbal communication.

10. Vocabulary bingo
Create bingo cards with vocabulary words and play Bingo using definitions or synonyms as clues.

11. Write a thank-you note
Studies continue to explore the benefits of feeling gratitude, which include lower stress levels, increased happiness, and better sleep. What middle-schooler can’t use those things? Have students write down three things in their lives they are grateful for and then choose from the list to compose a thank-you note to a person in their lives who made it possible.

12. Current events discussion
Discuss recent news stories or current events and their implications.

13. Read them a story
Everyone loves a good story, and you may be surprised at how attentive middle-grade students can be to a picture book. Pick an inspiring one such as Dr. Seuss’s classic Oh, The Places You’ll Go!, or an inventive one that most have never read, like Oliver Jeffers’ How to Catch a Star, or Drew Daywalt and Adam Rex’s The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

14. Debate
Pick a simple topic and divide the class into two groups for a structured debate.

Tips and activities for teaching in high schools

Subbing in high-school classrooms can be rewarding, but it also brings a unique set of challenges. They’re capable of understanding more complex concepts and engaging in more nuanced discussions and debates. Ultimately, high-school students are still kids, albeit ones caught between the world of childhood and adulthood.

Here are some tips to help you succeed in the classroom:

Get in the right frame of mind**: Arrive early to review lesson plans and prepare materials. Being prepared shows confidence, which helps establish your authority. Remember, even in high school, students need to feel that someone is in control. 

The golden rule

Treat students with the same respect you expect. Speak kindly, say “please” and “thank you,” and introduce yourself at the start of class. Although it’s important to establish authority, do so with kindness. High-school students respond well to adults who treat them with respect and will cause problems for those who don’t. Your reputation as a sub will spread quickly, so make it a good one.

Steps to a successful sub day:

  • Before class: Be sure to have all materials ready before students arrive. Take charge by writing your name and the assignment on the board. If there’s no lesson plan, however, consider turning the period into a study hall. 
  • During class: Introduce yourself, even if you’ve been to the class before. Common courtesy goes a long way! Keep detailed notes about the day and leave them for the regular teacher, who will appreciate the feedback.
  • Handling discipline: Kindness usually resolves most issues. If a student acts out, calmly ask them to step into the hallway for a private conversation. If the situation escalates, remain calm and seek assistance from the office or a neighboring teacher.

No matter how thoroughly you plan ahead, there will come a day when things don’t always go according to plan. For those instances, here are some back-up activities to keep your students entertained and the learning on track:

Activities for high schoolers when sub lessons run short

1. Write a letter to a local, national, or world leader
In this activity, ask students to write a letter to an elected official or other leader and persuade them on a matter of policy. The letter can be imaginary or something the students will actually send. This is an exercise in persuasive writing intended to influence the reader. Ask them to support their reasoning with concrete evidence and logic.

2. Pair up and quiz each other
Students can use review questions provided in their textbooks, by their teacher, or that they come up with on their own. This is a great activity for early-finishers, and can be treated as part of the overall lesson.

3. Play the ‘ABC Game’
In this game, you divide the class into teams. Name a topic, such as “animals” or “the Great Depression” and have teams take turns naming things that fit into the topic, going through the alphabet. For example, they might say, “aardvark, badger, cougar…” or “Agricultural Adjustment Act, Black Tuesday, Calvin Coolidge…”

4. Create review crosswords
Hand out graph paper. Have students create a crossword puzzle for their classmates using words from the chapter they’re studying.

5. Write a letter to their future selves
Another spin on letter-writing is to ask students to address their future selves. Pick an age — 10 or so years in the future — and ask them to write to them as they would a friend or mentor. They can ask questions, imagine what their life is like, and share their dreams for the future. This is an exercise in descriptive and expository writing. Students will get excited about the personal nature of the assignment.

6. Write a chain story using vocabulary words
Divide the class into groups of five or six. Ask each group to write a paragraph-long story incorporating lesson-specific words or vocabulary words. Assign each student one word and have them go around in a circle adding a sentence at a time. Each sentence should include one vocabulary work.

To make this activity even more fun, use another blank sheet to cover up everything in the story except the preceding line. The stories will turn out a bit ridiculous, amusing students as they learn their vocab words.

7. Write a poem copying meter
Learning about the rhythm and meter of poetry has many benefits for students. For the youngest, it’s a way to understand rhyming and counting. For older students, it links music, math, and language. Help your students understand the meter of a poem and ask them to recreate it in their own poem. Iambic pentameter is a good sing-songy choice. (It’s recognizable in Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and many other poems.)

8. Free write
This one’s simple and bound to get students engaged. Tell students their task is to put pen to paper and write about anything on their minds. The only requirement is to keep writing for a certain amount of time. Set a timer, then ask students to reflect on the writing process. Did the flow get easier or harder? Did they get stuck anywhere? Give them an option to share their writing with the class.

9. Design a dream home
Most students enjoy envisioning their futures. Ask them to sketch the floorplan of their dream house; graph paper, if available, is great! When they’re finished, ask if they’d like to share why they chose certain features. A student might have a room for the many dogs they hope to own, or they might put in a basketball court. This helps you get to know them and lets them share their passions. 

10. Practice mindfulness
Lead your students in a mindfulness activity. Mindfulness has been shown to mitigate bullying, help students with ADHD focus, and improve overall social skills. In the classroom, mindfulness can be as simple as breathing exercises. Another idea is to take students around the room on a “Safari” and ask them to be present to sights and sounds. Or use an app like Calm or Headspace to guide them in a longer meditation session.

11. Conduct interviews
Pair students up and give them an opportunity to interview one another for three or four minutes. You might give them a specific topic to discuss — a hobby, pet, or a family member. Then, go around the room and have the interviewers “report” on their subjects to the class.

12. Improvise
Improv gives students the opportunity to anticipate reactions and learn how to go with the flow and work collaboratively. It’s also a practical game for nearly all ages! See this list of 13 Fun Improv Games for ideas about how to get started.

14. Ask for advice
Students in grades 7-12 are developing strong opinions and are often excited to share them. At the beginning of the period, share a scenario, and write a question on the board in front of the class, soliciting advice. Those who finish early can write up a list of suggestions for you. Example questions can come from real life: “I haven’t had a chance to listen to new music lately. If you finish early, will you make a list of your favorite musicians? What do you love about their music?”

15. Color
While you may think an activity like this is appropriate for only younger students, coloring can be a relaxing and meditative activity for all ages. Make a few copies of coloring pages and bring them in for students who, for instance, finish a test early.

Substitute teaching tips for each subject matter

Although each subject comes with its own set of nuances, there are certain tips that transcend subject matter:

Teaching tips for every scenario:

  • Arrive early: Being on time to assignments is important to having a successful day. Make sure you arrive with enough time to get settled, introduce yourself to the teacher next door, and write your name on the board.
  • Stick to the lesson plan: If the absent teacher provided lesson plans, be sure to review and follow them. Find out if you’ll be introducing new material or guiding students through ongoing work.
  • Be confident: Communicate clearly and confidently, setting the tone that you are in charge while also being approachable. Try to circulate the room often, offer assistance, and keep the class on task.
  • Be honest: If you don’t know something, that’s okay! Be upfront with the students instead of potentially misleading them. Remember, you’re there to facilitate, not to have all the answers.

After the lesson:

Whether it’s in a note or email, give the full-time teacher a recap of the lesson:

  • Where did students struggle? Describe any parts of the lesson where students seemed to struggle or had more questions than in other parts. Be as specific as you can. This can help the full-time teacher decide whether they need to revisit some parts of the lesson.
  • Where did students do well? This can help the full-time teacher identify strengths they can build on.
  • Did the class complete the lesson? If not, describe where you left off, so the full-time teacher knows where to pick up.

When stepping into a substitute teaching role, variety is your bread and butter! Being able to adapt and lead different subject matters is key to your success. Whether you’re covering math, science, English, or the arts, each subject brings its own unique challenges and opportunities. 

Teaching hacks for each subject


Just as there are principles that serve as the foundation for every level of mathematics, so, too, are there common strategies that can help in any math substitute teaching assignment.

  • Be confident: Even if math isn’t your strongest subject, act as a facilitator rather than an expert.
  • Encourage curiosity: If students ask questions, encourage them to think critically or collaborate with peers instead of giving immediate answers to promote deeper understanding.
  • Be upfront: If you don’t know something, that’s okay! Students will appreciate your honesty rather than giving them a potentially misleading answer.


When substitute teaching in a science class, it’s essential to be flexible and ready to adapt. Start by thoroughly reviewing the lesson plan and any materials the teacher has left. Science topics can be complex, so don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re unsure about the content. 

  • Be supportive: Encourage students to engage with the material by asking them to explain concepts in their own words or by leading small group discussions. 
  • Get creative: Hands-on activities, even simple ones, can keep students interested and make abstract concepts more tangible. 
  • Stay engaged: Circulate the room, offering support, and keeping students on task. If you encounter any challenges, remember that your role is to facilitate learning, not to have all the answers.
  • Follow protocols: If you’re asked to supervise a lab, be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety procedures and remind students to follow them closely.

English language arts

Substitute teaching in English classes requires a balance of preparation and flexibility to effectively guide students through their reading, writing, and discussions. Whether you’re helping with literary analysis or supporting creative writing, these tips will help you keep students engaged and on track:

  • Think critically: English classes often involve analyzing texts or working on writing skills, so encourage students to think critically by asking open-ended questions that prompt deeper discussion.
  • Encourage participation: If the lesson involves reading aloud, encourage students to get involved by assigning roles or passages.
  • Be vulnerable: A big part of English classes is analysis. Don’t be afraid to share your own thoughts and opinions on texts during class discussions.


Substitute teaching in a PE class involves keeping students active, safe, and engaged in physical activities. Whether you’re leading a structured game or facilitating free play, these tips will help you manage the class effectively and ensure a fun, energetic environment:

  • Safety first: Your primary focus should be on safety and creating a fun, inclusive, energetic environment. Take a look at plans left by the regular teacher and make sure you understand the rules for each activity.
  • Encourage participation: Be a role model and encourage participation by being enthusiastic and positive. Keep an eye out for students who may be on the sidelines.
  • Think on your feet: If you need to improvise, consider activities that require minimal equipment and can involve all students, like relay races or team-based games.
Substitute teacher illustration of teacher with students in front of school building

Substitute teach on your terms