A typical day for a substitute teacher can be busy and hectic. There’s a lot to do and a lot to learn, especially if you’re starting out in a new classroom. Either way, one of the most important things you can do is to write detailed notes for the absent teacher.
Here are some helpful tips on how you can do just that… without adding stress to your day.

Use the sub plans
Use your sub plans as a framework to jot down notes for the absent teacher throughout the day. The notes can act as a tool to follow the class schedule, and they provide a place for you to write down what lessons plans were accomplished. You can also annotate any changes to the schedule. This is a great help for teachers when they return to school and need to plan out their next lessons.
Using a class list can also give you a way to make detailed notes for the absent teacher. Subbing for an eighth-grade math class? Use your class list to annotate who participated in discussions. Teaching in a third-grade homeroom? Use the class list to record students who struggled with the reading lesson of the day. Teachers will love the feedback. It’s also good for students to know you are paying attention to their learning and participation!
Another helpful pointer: label work that your students turn in so that the full-time teacher can easily spot which class submitted which assignments.
Note any behavioral issues
There may be students in your class who will not want to follow the management plan set in place by the classroom teacher. So, it is important to make a separate note for any behavioral issues. Do your best to communicate these observations factually and in a non-judgmental way (i.e.: instead of noting that a student was rude, describe exactly what happened).
This is important for two reasons. First, if you keep a separate document for behavioral notes, the teacher will be more likely to read it. Second, it will help you keep track of student behavior throughout the day. Take notes regarding any students who are having a hard time following your directions, not staying on task, or did not respond appropriately to redirection. Also state any actions you took when students did not meet expectations.
Behavioral notes aren’t just to spotlight the negative. It’s also important for absent teachers to be aware of positive behavior, so remember to make mention of the students who exhibited a great attitude as well! You can also let your students know when you leave a positive note.
Create your own form
One way to stand out from other substitute teachers is to make your own “Sub Notes” form. You can create a simple template using Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or a similar program. Here are some subject headings that would be helpful to put on your template:
- Absent students
- Class accomplishments
- Activities that went poorly or really well
- Extra comments you have about the day
Having your own form will help you stand out from other substitute teachers. It will also keep your thoughts organized throughout the day, as you will be familiar with the formatting of the document.
Be professional up until to the end
If you don’t get the chance to take notes throughout the day, it’s important to write comments before you leave. The teacher will appreciate that and hopefully remember to ask for you directly for the next time they need a sub. Also, if you’d like to be considered for a full-time position at the school, teachers will remember the detailed notes you wrote and may be more likely to say positive things about you to the sub coordinator. The little things are what help you stand out as one of the best substitute teachers.
And remember, it’s important to keep the notes private. Avoid writing them on the whiteboard for all students to see. If the teacher or site administrator doesn’t outline a clear process for turning in notes at the end of the day, ask!
Looking for more classroom resources? Check out 72+ Classroom Resources for Substitute Teachers and 7 Meaningful Activities for Students who Finish Early.

Substitute notes
One of the most important things substitute teachers can do is leave detailed notes for the absent teacher. Get a free downloadable resource from Swing.